Monday, October 8, 2012

iMedia: Flight of the Frenchies

So, what do you think? 

I found this video a few years back and was unexpectedly struck by it. A few months ago, I revisited it after not watching it for a very long time, and still, it amazed me. I watched it one more time before I posted it here, and I still find myself intrigued by these guys. My dad thinks they're insane, my mom thinks they're downright stupid, and I think they're perfectly normal guys doing beautiful and unbelievable things. 

These base jumping, line walking, high-lining men are really just what our world needs. Now, this is not to say that everyone should be flinging themselves off mountains and buildings just for the thrill of it. However, people should be doing the things they love because they love it, and for no other reason at all. I highly doubt that these guys decided to do this because they wanted fame or money (they probably spend more cash than they make). They did it because they wanted to. How incredible do you think you would feel if this was you? Talk about feeling on top of the world. And everyone has a right to feel that way. If you want to be a musician when you grow up, who has the right to tell you you can't? The same goes with being the president, an athlete, or really anything else. Do what you want to do and don't let anyone or anything stop you. 

Remember two things: Money doesn't buy you happiness and before you can please other people, you need to please yourself first. I can almost guarantee the parent's of these people did not encourage this type of activity, but it doesn't matter because they are happy. What can be better than that? 

I think the thing I love most about this video is that the "frenchies" are scared , and yet they still do these insane things. It's scary taking a risk, no doubt about it, but the outcome is worth every drip of sweat. Do you want to go somewhere in life? Take a risk. Don't think about it, thinking to hard will kill you. Instead, just do it. If these guys thought about how high up they were every time they walked across that line do you think they would do it? Absolutely not. Literally, they jump. Life should be about jumping. Don't look back on life and remember how you looked over the ledge but were too afraid to leap. This video exemplifies a line I try to live by, and you should too:

"Don't fear danger, seek it."

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome post. First of all the video is fantastic; it's one of the coolest I've ever seen, actually. But Nonie's comments and observations really made it great. I wholeheartedly agree with her idea that we should just do it, even if it's scary. To me, that's an amazing way to live. To live every day doing what you love, and taking risks for that thing that you love, is a life that is really worthwhile and meaningful, as well as one full of action and fun. These guys in the video risk their lives doing what they love to do--and that's jumping off a cliff. It may seem crazy, but as Nonie said, "People should be doing the things they love because they love it, and for no other reason at all." Great post, Nonie!
