Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blogging Around

I commented on Anna Hofmockel's Metacognition blog about writing her poem. She pinpointed how she at first struggled to find a topic, and then as she went through the writing process, she realized how much help her poem needed. At the end, she compared her final draft to her first draft, which she originally thought was fantastic, and realized how much better her final poem was.

I totally agree with everything you said in this post! I usually don't struggle with writing, but somehow this time around, it took me awhile to come up with a good idea, probably because I had English class lingering in the back of my head. I think I was trying to think of some inspirational and original topic, like you were, but I was putting too much pressure on myself to create something extraordinary on my first try. And, just like you, I thought my first draft was fantastic, but looking back on it, it was nothing compared to my final draft. Sometimes, I find it hard to take criticism, especially when I know its valid, but I ended up in a much better place than I started! Your poem was AWESOME too! Keep it up girly! 

I commented on Dana Lee's Metacognition blog about cleaning her room. She pinpointed on how she cleaned her summer clothes out of her closet, and replaced them with winter clothes, making her miss summer. She also pointed out that although clutter seemed annoying, every object she found and picked up, had a memory to go along with it. Dana didn't exactly enjoy cleaning, but she did learn from it.

I'm right with you girl! Not only was I totally NOT into cleaning something, but when I did, it brought me right back to summer, like you. I cleaned out my backpack from camp, and every little thing I found in there reminded me of how great summer was. Cleaning out your closet must've been the same! It probably just made you remember how much fun you had, and how you just wish you could go back! Believe me, I felt the same was. But after cleaning, I felt a new energy, like I had just revisited summer, and I was ready to push through another stretch of school (sort of). It might be cold outside, but anytime you feel like you need summer, tear out the shorts and tank top and throw em on. Believe me, it sounds weird, but it helps ALOT. And I totally agree on the cleaning end too! Every object, big or small, has a little meaning to you, and it's fun to find it all again. It's amazing how we can see something as clutter, but really it means so much to us. Love this post!

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